"Motherhood is not a burden to be borne, it is a privilege to be enjoyed. It is not a trial of endurance, it is a time of celebration." Winnie Dalley


Are We Not All Mothers?

"Motherhood is more than bearing children.  It is the essence of who we are as women."

Motherhood: Love That Is Woven From Heart to Heart

Look closely at this picture.  This mother is knitting her daughter's sweater from the thread of her own that she is wearing.  This is a beautiful and powerful message to me.  Today we celebrate the sacredness of motherhood.  My heart is filled with a deep gratitude for the great privilege it is to be a mother.  I am so grateful for my own mother who had this same deep love and passion for mothering that she knitted into the very fabric of my soul.  Because of her love of womanhood, mine was nurtured, cultivated and made to grow and expand.  This picture shows what my mother did for me in so many ways.  This picture shows me the great influence and affect that I have on my own children. 
I feel so deeply about the subject of motherhood that I don't even have the words to express my feelings.  I will just say that I know it is the most important thing that I could do.  I know sometimes women feel like they are inadequate and like they aren't contributing anything to society if they are 'just a mother'.  Well, to quote Julie Beck, she said that when we are living with our Heavenly Father forever, the name that  His exalted daughters will be known by will be 'Mother'.  If that is the highest and holiest name from our Eternal Father (and it's wonderful to note that Father is the name that He wants us to call Him), that is the name I want now and forever.
Happy Mother's Day to every woman....because whether we have children of our own or not, we are all indeed mothers and can be forever thanks to the wonderful plan of happiness given to us from our beloved Father in Heaven.

*This picture is entitled 'Windows of Heaven' by Emily McPhie