"Motherhood is not a burden to be borne, it is a privilege to be enjoyed. It is not a trial of endurance, it is a time of celebration." Winnie Dalley


Love Personal Progress!

I love this program! Since being in Young Women's I have been working on doing this program again with my laurels. Let me just say how much I love the organization of the church and that Heavenly Father has given a way for everyone to come to Him and learn about who they are. Though not as young a woman as I used to be, I feel so blessed and strengthened by doing these value experiences. There is one in the Divine Nature section that I thought was a fantastic thing for every woman to do, even if you've done it before. So, if you want to, let's do this value experience together and share what we have learned about being a woman and what are important attributes for womanhood and motherhood.

Divine Nature Value Experience #2

"As a (young:) woman you are blessed with divine feminine qualities. Increase your understanding of and appreciation for womanhood. Read Proverbs 31:10-31 and two talks on womanhood from a conference issue of the Church magazines. Review what "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" says about being a wife and a mother. Then ask your mother or another mother you admire what she thinks are important attribues for being a mother. List the attributes in your journal. Then choose one of those attributes and strive to develop it. After two weeks report your success to a parent or leader." (Or friend! :)

I would love to hear the insights and things you learn from doing this challenge. Hooray for womanhood!


Anonymous said...

Oh Mary! How I miss you my dear! I love that you write this blog especially for me. It's amazing!

I absolutely love the personal progress program. What an incredible program that helps guide our young women through the trials of these latter-days. Love it! We are all working in our YW's to get our medallions and those that have gotten them recently are working on their honor bees. Such a wonderful experience.

Laura said...

I'm in and began this morning which makes two weeks from now Nov.22. Three days before Thanksgiving. Something else to be grateful for

Anonymous said...

We turned this whole experience into a Young Women activity. It was so great!